Sunday, 10 July 2016

Writing: Sharing Information - CLB 1,2,3,4

CLB 1,2,3,4

Are your students ready to share personal stories?  
Writing about family and friends? 
Describing people, places or interesting things?

If so, this package is for you.

Today's file contains a student feedback form,
and two logs to keep track of student scores.

RE: Student Feedback Form
The student’s name, date and task go in the top right hand corner. Under these, is a place for your comments/tips/feedback for the student, as well as a place to record the CLB level achieved and icons you can circle to indicate “tried, succeeded or excelled”.

The four white boxes have been labeled Words, Sentences, Paragraphs and Ideas to help students link CLB levels 1-4 with growing language proficiency. The criteria for each CLB level is listed in student-friendly language, and instructors can use checkmarks to indicate if the student has tried, succeeded or excelled in demonstrating each ability.

A learner’s reflection area is located at the bottom of the page.

Please note: the gray sidebar on the left is for instructor use only. It lists criteria needed to achieve each level, using excerpts from the CLB 2012 document. 

RE: Class Score Sheets
The first log is to simply list students in groups of score achieved.
The second log takes a much more detailed approach to tracking student achievements.

Both list criteria by CLB levels.  

Have a great day! 

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